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Water and Sewer Commission Joint Minutes 2010/09/30

New London/Sunapee Joint Quartely Meeting
September 30, 2010
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, Paul Manson, Peter Hill, David Montambeault.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, W.E. Austin, Simone Robinson, Tina Helm, Peter Bianchi, Mark Kaplan, Jessie Levine, Richard Lee, Neil Cheseldine, Edward Rushbrook, Ken Kessler, Roger Rodewald.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

Forms for Signing:
June 24, 2010 Joint Meeting Minutes:  David M. made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as printed, seconded by Paul M., voted Sunapee in favor and New London in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

Wastewater Treatment Highlights: Dave B. reported that the new rotor is on line and working great. Dave B. had Stearns Septic camera the line to the plant and they found a brick that was causing issues and cleaned it out. There was also a spot where a root may have grown into the pipe and could be an issue that needs addressing.
Dave B. reported that they had cleaned out a clarifier on Monday and that he and Paul M. had inspected it and that it did not appear to be in as bad a shape as expected. Dave B. had received quotes from Lakeside for upgrading the clarifiers. There was some discussion regarding what the quote actually involves as far as a scum skimmer. Jessie questioned if the clarifiers were part of the whole upgrade project. Neil C. stated that it is the upper portion of the clarifiers that need to be replaced. Theodore G. stated that he feels that the headworks is the first most important item to begin with and maybe the clarifiers need help separate from the full upgrade project.

Rocky Road Sewer Line: Roger R. joined the table as the representative for the 3 Rocky Road homeowners, he passed out plans of the project for review. Jessie L. stated that there had been a meeting regarding the project and that the memo she passed out tells what agreement New London wants regarding the attachment. There was some discussion regarding oversight of the project by both Sunapee and New London representatives and attachment fees. David M. gave reasoning as to why New London should not be assessing attachment fees for Sunapee residents. Jessie L. stated that she does not feel that New London should collect any attachment fees from this project, New London Selectboard will discuss the attachment fee issue at their next meeting. David M. gave a synopsis of what had happened in Sunapee prior to New London coming on, Sunapee having a percentage of the pressure line and why older homes in Sunapee are not charged the attachment fee.
David M. made a motion to accept the plans for Rocky Road sewer line as proposed, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding capacity of the line and the possibility of additional homes on the line, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Roger R. stated that 2 sets of as built drawings will be sent to Sunapee and 3 sets will be sent to New London.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade:  
Nail C. stated that in the packets he handed out it shows the percentages of grants assumed for the project and that they are not enough to meet the stipulations in the warrant articles passed last year. There was some discussion regarding SRF funding placements and that New London is eligible for 25% debt forgiveness. Neil C. stated that RDA will let Sunapee know what amount of grant they can expect to receive and that it will most likely be around 20%. Paul M. stated that we have a plant that needs something done to upgrade it regardless of what grant funding is received. There was some discussion on how to craft an article for this year’s vote and regarding the increase in rates that RDA will most likely impose on Sunapee in order to receive any grant. Theodore G. stated that Sunapee should present an article that New London’s voters are most likely to approve as well. There was some discussion regarding phasing and doing the project in segments instead of in entirety. Neil C. presented what phasing would include and what needs to be done first. There was some discussion regarding sludge dewatering and Neil C. pointed out the fact that savings is not a high priority compared to meeting requirements and integrity of equipment. There was much discussion regarding de-watering and how much savings could be realized from implementing this technology at the plant.
        There was some discussion regarding what should be on the warrant article and that somehow not to make the 25% grant funding a stipulation of going forward with the project. David M. would like to see the exact amount of funding in writing from DES and RDA. The funding scenarios for the project were reviewed for each town and discussed in detail. Jessie L. questioned what everyone is leaning toward the whole project or phasing? Paul M. stated that he feels it needs to be done either way. Peter B. wants a plan that will result in something happening after Town Meeting. Theodore G. does not want to be back to trying a third time next year. David C. does not think the Sunapee voters will just pass an article without the grant funding that was offered last year. There was much discussion regarding the increase in cost of the entire project realized when the phasing option is utilized. Charles S. stated that he thinks that a certain amount of funds should be asked for to do the whole project without the stipulation of any certain amount of grant funding and push the article by getting the press involved again so that the voters understand the need for the upgrade. There was some discussion regarding what happens if one town passes an article and the other does not. David M. thinks that some corners can be cut to decrease the cost of the entire project. Jessie L. suggested that someone see what can be cut before the next meeting. David M. suggested a committee to look into this that includes Dave B. There was some discussion regarding last March’s vote and that without the 35% grant funding the project can’t go forward.

        New London departed at 7:35p.m.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2010.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup-Chairman                                David Montambeault

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  Christopher Leonard                     

_________________________________               __________________________________
Paul Manson                                             Tina Helm

_________________________________               __________________________________
Peter Bianchi                                           Mark Kaplan